之前在 Mobile01 就有這個主題討論串「設計師就設計師 為什麼要叫美工呢?」,本人理所當然地戰下去…

不說結論,單以最簡單的網頁設計來說,和我合作過的不下十人,只是每個幾乎都沒底子;難道真的只要會 Photoshop 合成圖庫、Dreamweaver 拉 HTML 就可以自稱設計師?

隨手抓 Crowd Favorite徵人條件來比較,看看自認為可以擔任「網頁設計師」的你有幾項技能符合。

Technical Designer / Front-end Developer
技術設計 / 前端開發

You should have experience with:

  • Design for websites and web applications.
  • Branding and logo design.
  • HTML, CSS, web standards and semantic web markup.
  • Conceptual understanding of web services and AJAX delivery.
  • Adobe Photoshop / Illustrator.

Ideally you will also have:

  • JavaScript and one or more JavaScript libraries (jQuery, YUI, etc.).
  • Some familiarity with PHP and/or other web programming languages.
  • Experience with WordPress themes.


Designer/Front-end Developer Internship
設計 / 前端開發實習生

A candidate should have experience with:

  • Examples of design work.
  • XHTML, CSS, web standards and semantic web markup.

An ideal candidate will also have:

  • Some familiarity with PHP and/or other web programming languages.
  • Some familiarity with JavaScript.
  • Conceptual understanding of web services and AJAX delivery.
  • Experience with WordPress themes.

HTML/CSS 標記語言已經是基本盤就不提了,連 javascript library 也要會個一兩樣,甚至是後端 PHP 語言也要略懂;突然覺得,和我合作的美工真是他媽的太幸福了。