You Know I’m No Good

超乎年齡超乎外表,滿身刺青一頭亂髮,乍看狂亂的白人女生卻有著爵士、藍調、靈魂的隨性與迷人音場,超乎想像的超齡嗓音詮釋,艾美懷絲(Amy Winehouse)以白人身份譜出黑人 Soulful 線條,韌性十足的在寬廣音域中添入引人入勝之情緒反應。英國傳媒一致好評推薦,獲得兩座全英音樂獎提名、水晶音樂獎提名、英國創作人最高榮譽 Ivor Novello 音樂獎加冕。
來自英國倫敦,自小在充滿音樂的環境下成長,喜歡的樂風從爵士、節奏藍調到饒舌通通不放過,極為喜愛黑人饒舌女子三人團 Salt ‘n’ Pepa 的她,在 10 歲時組織起白人饒舌團體,13 歲獲得第一把吉他,同時開啟創作與演唱的興致。就讀戲劇學校時,開始探索不同領域音樂,對於樂器彈奏更努力學習不輟。 16 歲開始就四處登台演出,磨練臨場經驗與膽識,在朋友 Tyler James 穿針引線下,Amy 的 DEMO 帶贏得唱片公司一紙合約,2003 年推出首張大碟『Frank』,衝上英國金榜 Top13 位置,奪下白金銷售,入選 Echoes「英國年度最佳靈魂樂專輯」。
You Know I’m No Good
Direct Link –
Music Video – YouTube
Meet you downstairs in the bar and heard,
Your rolled up sleeves and your skull t-shirt,
You say “Why did you do with him today?”
And sniffed me out like I was Tanqueray,
‘Cause you’re my fella, my guy
Hand me your Stella and fly,
By the time I’m out the door,
You tear men down like Roger Moore
I cheated myself,
Like I knew I would
I told you, I was trouble
You know that I’m no good
Upstairs in bed with my ex-boy,
he’s in a place but I can’t get joy
Thinking on you in the final throes,
This is when my buzzer goes
Run out to meet you, chips and pitta,
You say “when we married,”
Cause you’re not bitter,
“there’ll be none of him no more”
I cried for you on the kitchen floor
I cheated myself,
Like I knew I would
I told you, I was trouble
You know that I’m no good
Sweet reunion Jamaica and Spain,
We’re like how we were again,
I’m in the tub, you on the seat,
Lick your lips as a I soak my feet
Then you notice likkle carpet burns,
My stomach drops and my guts churn,
You shrug and it’s the worst,
Who truly stuck the knife in first
I cheated myself,
Like I knew I would
I told you, I was trouble
You know that I’m no good
I cheated myself,
Like I knew I would
I told you, I was trouble
You know that I’m no good
超乎年齡超乎外表,滿身刺青一頭亂髮,乍看狂亂的白人女生卻有著爵士、藍調、靈魂的隨性與迷人音場,超乎想像的超齡嗓音詮釋,艾美懷絲(Amy Winehouse)以白人身份譜出黑人 Soulful 線條,韌性十足的在寬廣音域中添入引人入勝之情緒反應。英國傳媒一致好評推薦,獲得兩座全英音樂獎提名、水晶音樂獎提名、英國創作人最高榮譽 Ivor Novello 音樂獎加冕。
來自英國倫敦,自小在充滿音樂的環境下成長,喜歡的樂風從爵士、節奏藍調到饒舌通通不放過,極為喜愛黑人饒舌女子三人團 Salt ‘n’ Pepa 的她,在 10 歲時組織起白人饒舌團體,13 歲獲得第一把吉他,同時開啟創作與演唱的興致。就讀戲劇學校時,開始探索不同領域音樂,對於樂器彈奏更努力學習不輟。 16 歲開始就四處登台演出,磨練臨場經驗與膽識,在朋友 Tyler James 穿針引線下,Amy 的 DEMO 帶贏得唱片公司一紙合約,2003 年推出首張大碟『Frank』,衝上英國金榜 Top13 位置,奪下白金銷售,入選 Echoes「英國年度最佳靈魂樂專輯」。
You Know I’m No Good
Direct Link –
Music Video – YouTube
Meet you downstairs in the bar and heard,
Your rolled up sleeves and your skull t-shirt,
You say “Why did you do with him today?”
And sniffed me out like I was Tanqueray,
‘Cause you’re my fella, my guy
Hand me your Stella and fly,
By the time I’m out the door,
You tear men down like Roger Moore
I cheated myself,
Like I knew I would
I told you, I was trouble
You know that I’m no good
Upstairs in bed with my ex-boy,
he’s in a place but I can’t get joy
Thinking on you in the final throes,
This is when my buzzer goes
Run out to meet you, chips and pitta,
You say “when we married,”
Cause you’re not bitter,
“there’ll be none of him no more”
I cried for you on the kitchen floor
I cheated myself,
Like I knew I would
I told you, I was trouble
You know that I’m no good
Sweet reunion Jamaica and Spain,
We’re like how we were again,
I’m in the tub, you on the seat,
Lick your lips as a I soak my feet
Then you notice likkle carpet burns,
My stomach drops and my guts churn,
You shrug and it’s the worst,
Who truly stuck the knife in first
I cheated myself,
Like I knew I would
I told you, I was trouble
You know that I’m no good
I cheated myself,
Like I knew I would
I told you, I was trouble
You know that I’m no good