昨天在尋找 Geo Tag 的相關網站,發現 Geo Tag Validator 有提供產生器,但是發現在底下的國家列表上,台灣被歸為中國的一省(Taiwan, Province of China),雖然不意外但看了就是礙眼,所以就順手寫一封信請對方更正。
※信件範本參考自:一人一信抗議NASA稱台灣為中國的一省 – 酥餅的Blog
Dear Geo-Tag,
I found the page in the “HTML Geo-Tag Generator”, you mistakenly list Taiwan as “Taiwan, Province of China”, which indicates that Taiwan is part of China. Would you please remove “Province of China” from the list?
Taiwan is an independent country with its own government, elections, currency, army, and defined territory. Taiwan negotiates its own treaties with the United States. It is obvious that Taiwan is not part of China.
So, again, would you please remove “Province of China” from Taiwan in the list?
Thank you very much.

昨天在尋找 Geo Tag 的相關網站,發現 Geo Tag Validator 有提供產生器,但是發現在底下的國家列表上,台灣被歸為中國的一省(Taiwan, Province of China),雖然不意外但看了就是礙眼,所以就順手寫一封信請對方更正。
※信件範本參考自:一人一信抗議NASA稱台灣為中國的一省 – 酥餅的Blog
Dear Geo-Tag,
I found the page in the “HTML Geo-Tag Generator”, you mistakenly list Taiwan as “Taiwan, Province of China”, which indicates that Taiwan is part of China. Would you please remove “Province of China” from the list?
Taiwan is an independent country with its own government, elections, currency, army, and defined territory. Taiwan negotiates its own treaties with the United States. It is obvious that Taiwan is not part of China.
So, again, would you please remove “Province of China” from Taiwan in the list?
Thank you very much.