'page' => 'Page:',
'prev' => '<',
'next' => '>',
'first' => '|<',
'last' => '>|',
'theme' => '%wrapL% %records% %totalRow% %page% %nowPage%/%totalPage% %wrapR% %first% %prev% %linkPage% %next% %last%'
* wrapL : wrapper left
* wrapR : wrapper right
* records: label for total records
* totalRow: value of total rows
* page : label for page
* nowPage : current page
* totalPage : total pages
* first : 1st page link
* last : last page link
* linkPage: other pages link
// Left, Right wrapper
protected $wrap_L = null;
protected $wrap_R = null;
* SimplePage Construct
* @param: $rows / integer / total rows of record
* @param: $perpage / integer / rows of per page
* @param: $display / integer / pagination length
* @param: $wrap / string / wrapper of pagination, eg: li
* @param: $parameter / string / additional url querystring
* @return: string
public function __construct ($rows, $perpage, $display = 10, $wrap = null, $parameter = null)
$this->rows = intval($rows);
$this->parameter = $parameter;
$this->display = intval($display);
$this->perpage = intval($perpage);
$this->pages = ceil($this->rows / $this->perpage);
$this->p = (!empty($_GET[C('VAR_PAGE')]) && is_numeric($_GET[C('VAR_PAGE')]) ) ? intval($_GET[C('VAR_PAGE')]) : 1;
$this->wrap = $wrap;
// make display to odd
if (!$this->display & 1)
// ensure current page is in range
if (!empty($this->pages) && $this->p > $this->pages)
$this->p = $this->pages;
// wrapper
if (null !== $this->wrap && !empty($this->wrap))
$this->wrap_L = "<$wrap>";
$this->wrap_R = "$wrap>";
// variables assign
$this->offset = floor($this->display / 2);
$this->start = 1;
$this->end = $this->pages;
$this->firstRow = ($this->p - 1) * $this->perpage;
$this->listRows = $this->perpage;
* setting configure
* @param: $name / string / field's name
* @param: $value / string / field's value
public function setConfig ($name, $value)
if (isset($this->config[$name]))
$this->config[$name] = $value;
* return pagination html
* @return: string
public function show ()
if (0 === $this->rows)
return null;
// counting start and end position
if ($this->pages > $this->display)
if ($this->p > $this->offset)
$this->start = $this->p - $this->offset;
$this->end = $this->display;
if (($this->p + $this->offset) < $this->pages)
if ($this->p > $this->offset)
$this->end = $this->p + $this->offset;
$this->start = ($this->pages - $this->display) + 1;
$p = C('VAR_PAGE');
$host = $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'];
$url = $host . (strpos($host, '?') ? '&' : '?') . $this->parameter;
// if the last / is existed then replace it to empty
if (strlen($host) === strrpos($host, '/') + 1)
$host = substr($host, 0, -1);
// html code container
$html = array();
// parse url
$parse = parse_url($url);
if (isset($parse['query']))
parse_str($parse['query'], $params);
$url = $parse['path'] . '?' . http_build_query($params);
// if URL_MODE is not 0 / reference from U function
if (C('URL_MODEL'))
$depr = 2 === C('URL_PATHINFO_MODEL')? C('URL_PATHINFO_DEPR') : '/';
$str = $depr;
foreach ($params as $var => $val)
$str .= $var . $depr . $val . $depr;
$str = substr($str, 0, -1);
$url = str_replace($str, '', $host) . (strpos($host, ACTION_NAME) ? null : $depr . ACTION_NAME) . $str . C('URL_HTML_SUFFIX');
// build url rule
if (false !== strpos($url, "/$p/"))
$format = preg_replace('/\/p\/\d+/', "/$p/%d", $url);
$format = "$url/$p/%d" . C('URL_HTML_SUFFIX');
$format = $url . (false === strpos($url, '?') ? '?' : '&') . "$p=%d";
// build first page link
$html['first'] = (1 < $this->p)
? $this->wrap_L . '' . $this->config['first'] . '' . $this->wrap_R
: null;
// build prev page link
$html['prev'] = (1 < $this->p)
? $this->wrap_L . '' . $this->config['prev'] . '' . $this->wrap_R
: null;
// build pages link
for ($i = $this->start; $i <= $this->end; ++$i)
$html['pages'] .= $this->wrap_L . ($i == $this->p ? "$i" : '$i") . $this->wrap_R;
// build next page link
$html['next'] = $this->p < $this->pages
? $this->wrap_L . '' . $this->config['next'] . '' . $this->wrap_R
: null;
// build last page link
$html['last'] = (0 < $this->p && $this->pages > $this->p)
? $this->wrap_L . '' . $this->config['last'] . '' . $this->wrap_R
: null;
// parse theme
$result = str_replace(
array('%wrapL%', '%wrapR%', '%records%', '%page%', '%nowPage%', '%totalRow%', '%totalPage%', '%first%', '%prev%', '%linkPage%', '%next%', '%last%'),
array($this->wrap_L, $this->wrap_R, $this->config['records'], $this->config['page'], $this->p, $this->rows, $this->pages, $html['first'], $html['prev'], $html['pages'], $html['next'], $html['last']),
return $result;